SCROLLE DOWN TO READ ABOUT WEATHERMAN 4.0.(better than MASTER AOL and RAINMAN combined)I know you have heard about those bogus OH account crap. This one is for real and it works. About a year ago, this dude craccked his way into the hotmail mainframe. Hotmail for those who don't know what it is, is a company that started giving out email serveses. Well Something Interesting showed up. Large email accounts, much larger than any normal account, deep inside hotmails mainframe network showed up. They had name like AOLserver01, Aolserver02, AOLserver03 and i guess you get my point. Then the dude started looking into this. He found out that AOL made a contract with hotmail. Basicly the contract said that Hotmail would hold AOLs server accounts. Also that these accounts serve purposes. The accounts are for the employees of AOL. They also supply AOL staff with OH accounts(Internal). This was a cool finding. He kept trying to crack the password(s) for these accounts and finaly realised that they read a kind of script. This means if certain commands are sent to the email account(AOLs) the email account responds in a certain way. EX. it sends you a email back automaticly, is never maintained by an employee(which is why it is so great and you cant get caught), and can send you stuff later on and a whole lot of other shit. Basicly if you send a message with certain commads from tha script you get hooked up with your OH account. YEs i said OH account. Any what one of the things the sever account does is after you send the correct email to it, it sends you back a notice saying "Your account has been activated." Then about 24 hours later it sends you a attachment called WEATHERMAN 4.0. Yes I said weatherman 4.0. NOW if you are stupid enough to not know what weatherman is then you better get your OH now!!! cause you are out of it. WEATHERMAN is a AOL program that basicly controls AOL, IT IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN MASTER AOL AND RAiNmAN. It is the Program that Catwhatch, and operator, and onlinehost all use. WHen you get the attachment you better have some spare time cause it take a while to download. You can either choose to make you have a extra menue item when you start AOL or you can make it run when you click the .exe icon like those other "proggies" being traded in the chatrooms. LEt me tell you this Program is like nothing you have ever experienced. You have acces to Mostly all secret areas online. (there is a very good help option in the program to explain the program to you. You can access any room even if it is full. You can't get tossed (but i dont use this option very much cause i am too busy fukin up all kinds of shit in aol areas. But you can TOS people. YOU can even terminate accounts with it. You can get billing infomation (that includes credit cards) aswell. This also works for AIM users. NOw to get to tha good part , if you want to stop being a lamer, and that includes: scrolling, Punting, lagging, phishing , then fill out the form and do some real damage. Since the scripiting is realy complicated i have put a scripter in tha webhosting service. what this does is that after you fill in the form it get transformed(what you typed) into the scrip that the Hotmail AOlserver account can read. after you fill this out you should get a notice back within 24 hours and after that you should get WEATHERMAN 4.0. withing the next 24 hours(depends on how much traffinc the server account has. **NOTE** YOu can not get caught , the hotmail accounts are run by a scripter and not by AOL directy. you can always delete WEATHERMAN and that process degrades your accoiunt to what it was a peice of shit. peace out and have fun with weatherman!!